Monday 24 June 2013

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Video game violence is a very serious thing. Violence in video games can have a big affect on kids. For example aggression and very low grades in school. If kids start to play video games they may get addicted to the game, if that happens they may start to do very poorly in school. Later they will have a hard time finding a job when they get older. Then they will not be able to take care of them selves or even a family. Also they may get very aggressive and bad. Video games that are violent may teach kids to also be violent. They may be bullying other kids at school or killing people when they get older. This is why video games should only be played by kids over the age of 10 years old.

Video game violence is a series thing because the problem of video games is that virtual violence in these games may make kids more aggressive in real life. Adults make a big mistake allowing the kids have the privilege to play violent video games. The game that has all the sexual, fighting, shooting, cursing at people, are for adults not for kids. Kids get too excited when they play like modern warfare they get so excited and then after like a day or two you get really aggressive with your parents, they yell at them, scream at them, they do all kinds of things to their parents, just because of these violent games. Also kids show a dirty attitude to parents, teachers, and even friends. These video games affect their education in school. Some of these violent games make some people do it in real life. A lot of teens play games and they get into a lot of fights and get examples from the violent video games.

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Adults should not play video games and sit home all day because they have to go to work not just sit home and do nothing. Many adults just stay home and play rated “A” video games and do nothing. If you only play video games and not work your not making any money or any effort in life. If adults play video games they lose money by buying more and more video games. Video games aren’t good for adults because all they will do is play games and not earn any money and if you make no money then no house and no shelter or food or clothes. Kids shouldn’t play video games alot either because they lose their education . If kids lose their education they wont know anything and some kids can just play them all day and do nothing. Kids should also play games that aren’t violent because some games can get you crazy or you will try to do everything that they do in the violent video games. Adults shouldn’t buy there kids games that are violent.

Video games should be less violent for little kids under 10. Also the time they play in , should be a minimum of 2 hours. Additionally there should be an adult in the room if you have a very violent game. For example the game assassins creed, is violent and it is not allowed to be played by boys/girls under 15 because you might create sewside, because they are to young. In addition violent games is thought to the children older than 13 to take care of their themselves in the street when a guy kidnap’s them or something. If you play the game for every long time you will be addicted to it. It will probably kill you in the future and you will always want to play and you may create harmful things.

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